If you watch it, read it, or hear it online - I’ve helped a client develop messaging and reach audiences with it.

Activating California’s Progressive Majority

Challenge: After generations of disenfranchisement and disinformation, how can you activate young and diverse communities who are deeply cynical about the government’s ability to address their needs? That was the challenge that a progressive ballot initiative in California had ahead of the 2020 Campaign.

Solution: Working with the ballot initiative and A/B Partners team I led the development and implementation of a $2 million multi-channel media campaign that spanned programmatic video, social ads, and influencer engagement to motivate and turn out these audiences.

Results: The campaign reached more than:

  • 1.61M people 37 times via programmatic video

  • 2.16M people 10 times across social ads

  • Engaged seven influencers with a cumulative 2.5M followers

  • Won a Reed Award for the best digital online video series for any Democratic campaign in the 2020 electoral cycle

2021 Reed award winner for Best Online Video Series (Democratic)


Taking Unions Digital

Challenge: As the Covid-19 pandemic hit, healthcare unions realized they had two distinct and interconnected problems: they needed to increase their advocacy efforts to protect members, but their traditional organizing strategies which focused on in-person gatherings were severely limited.

Solution: Across 2020 and 2021, I led a series of healthcare union advertising initiatives with some of the largest unions in the U.S. Partnering with the unions, alongside A/B Partners creative and strategy teams, I developed and implemented advertising campaigns to get healthcare workers more personal protective equipment(PPE), elect pro-union officials, and re-engage union members in a new digital-first way.


  • Advocacy campaign: Activated 15,895 people to send 42,100 emails to elected officials demanding more PPE for healthcare workers

  • Electoral campaign: Persuaded healthcare-motivated voters in five states with more than 97.7M impressions to elect pro-union candidates up and down the ballot


Countering Misinformation Online

Challenge: In 2016 Black and Latinx voters were targeted with an unprecedented disinformation and voter suppression effort. A/B Partners recognized that a similar attempt would take place ahead of the 2020 election and created Win Black / Pa'lante with one goal: Counter disinformation and voter suppression efforts 

Solution: Working with local and state partners, along with strategy, research, and creative teams, I created and implemented a multi-channel media plan that immersed our target audiences in content that set the record straight and counteracted voter suppression tactics.

Results: Our campaign persuaded voters across 21 states by reaching more than:

  • 12.5M people on Facebook

  • 11M people on YouTube

  • 3.5M people on programmatic display

  • Average contact frequency across channels of 5-6 times


A New Story of Guaranteed Income

Challenge: The U.S. is the wealthiest country in the world, yet poverty rates are at near all-time highs. Years of research from the Economic Security Project showed that a guaranteed income - delivering cash every month directly to the hands of those who need it most - can effectively and efficiently pull individuals out of poverty. However, conservative repressive messaging consistently prevents robust guaranteed income programs from being implemented. To support these programs the Economic Security Project needed to reach and persuade key audiences to advocate for policy change.

Solution: Partnering with the Economic Security Project, along with strategy, research, and creative teams, I oversaw the development of a geo-targeted terrestrial radio, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube campaign. Our Narrative normalized direct, guaranteed payments as a fact of life and essential component of racial justice. The campaign targeted those who would be most impacted by a guaranteed income and had the political power to push for policy changes: Black Middle-Class families.  

Results: Immersing our audience a campaign that surrounded more than:

  • 975,000 people across radio stations

  • 998,000 people on Facebook and Instagram

  • 500,000 people on YouTube